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公司簡介: 2007年北區房屋以人文、科技、創新、通路的優質品牌由桃、竹、苗進軍全台,在先進的資訊系統及完善的教育訓練下,短短一年之內在台灣已經有超過100家的合作夥伴,共同為台灣房地服務。這股「優勢延伸」的菁英力量,正快速的在全台灣擴展。 2008年5月20日持續以優良的品牌基礎以及永續服務的主旨,正式升級服務為「台灣房屋」,延續過去一貫的優質服務,以嶄新氣象、全新格局,繼續並擴大為2300萬台灣鄉親服務。 「台灣房屋」代表的是優質房仲的新標竿,在台灣邁向全球化起飛的同時,「台灣房屋」已經準備好要迎接台灣房市起飛的新年代。隨著「台灣品牌」在國際間發光發熱,在此時刻「台灣房屋」以宏觀的品牌定位,也代表著「台灣房屋」團隊將會有更宏觀的新藍海格局!「台灣房屋」的品牌,勢必成為在台灣的房仲業中最耀眼的巨鑽。 台灣加油!台灣房屋加油!
台灣房屋-文山旗艦店(安心開發不動產仲介有限公司)創立於民國97年,主要從事不動產買賣仲介服務;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『專業、誠懇、用心』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一 。我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入安心開發不動產仲介有限公司的工作行列。 企業標誌 藍色代表安全的交易‧‧‧‧是維護不動產交易的安全 綠色代表安心的住屋‧‧‧‧提供客戶住屋品質的安心 紅色代表安適的服務‧‧‧‧給予客戶終生服務的安適 共同價值 讓每一個人,都能擁有一個舒適的家。 讓每一個家,都能成為最幸福的避風港。 讓每一次的買賣,都獲得最安穩的保障。 秉持著:「專業、誠懇、用心」的經營理念 堅持著:「安全、安心、安適」之三安企業精神 成為客戶最值得信賴的不動產經紀人。 得獎紀錄 98年度第一季 榮獲台北市業績冠軍 98年度第二季 榮獲台北市業績冠軍 98年度第三季 榮獲台北市業績冠軍 99年度第一季季會 榮獲台北市業績第三名 99年度第二季季會 榮獲台北市業績冠軍
A leading company in EMS system for supplying non-automotive OEM. Synerject LLC is a Joint Venture of Continental and the Orbital Corporation. It was originally chartered to provide the Original Equipment Manufacturers in the Marine, Motorcycle and Recreation industries with gasoline engine management systems and components integrating the products and technologies designed and produced by its parent companies. It has since expanded to other, non automotive, small gasoline engine applications such as those of the Lawn and Garden and Industrial markets. Synerject’s main expertise is in gasoline fuel injection system integration for applications in its target markets. Its unique portfolio covers both 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine designs. Synerject is the only supplier in the industry to have both capabilities. Its affiliation to Orbital gives Synerject access to the leading edge Air Assisted Direct Injection technology developed by that company. Application Centers in Asia, Europe and the United States provide on-site support of customer development and production programs. Synerject supplies gasoline engine systems and components to the non automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers. The scope of its product offerings ranges from vehicle fuel delivery systems to complete air/fuel management modules. Synerject is not structured for direct sales of components to individual customers or after market retailers.
To integrate resources, when the industry leader Financial Holding's of the two subsidiary, and , June 2009, formally merged and renamed , the total premium and the initial annual premium income Market share after the merger, both was ranked second in the market. control of the country the second large listed financial holding company with strait three to the most complete of the fund financial territory, after the merger of in support of FHC resources full force, jointly toward "Asia, a flow of financial institutions' vision forward. Emphasis on innovative thinking to provide customers a full range of insurance wealth management services to customer demand-oriented, business ideas,to provide customers a full range of financial wealth management services. And actively cultivate financial wealth management talent, the whole force towards a new era of large-scale, international, professional.
人事聯絡人:吳旻義 手機:0926723312 e-mail:[email protected] [Money money]是全台第一家以"時尚"為主的帽子專賣店,讓帽子不只是配件,而成為時尚的主流單品,販售許多特別有型,時尚的帽款,想要和別人與眾不同的朋友,歡迎多來逛逛唷~~"Money"也將不定期出國為消費者帶回許多台灣所沒有的帽子款式,讓買家有更多的選擇~~ 公司內也有自己的品牌在開發設計中! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/MONEY-Hat-RICH-IN-MY-MIND/202815603064239
已成立10年網拍經驗 在Y拍與露天都可找到 是全台維修量最大 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/repairpda168 服務最好 營業時間:周一至周五 10:30~21:00 周六 下午13:00至18:00 週日公休 工作單純 整理物料 有網拍經驗 key-in資料 做客服接電話
323 Technology Inc. (ezTable易訂網 www.eztable.com.tw) was founded in 2008 with the mission of creating first online restaurant reservation platform for both restaurateurs and consumers in Taiwan. Currently more than 400 restaurants and hotels have joined our platform, creating more than 20,000 reservations per month. Were moving fast and have a team of 9 super passionate, smart people who pride themselves on exceptional quality work. Our office environment is creative, non-traditional, collaborative and a lot of fun, so if youre a Software Engineer with a passion for delivering elegant solutions and youre looking for an early stage company with scope to grow with a stack of interesting challenges, read on.
We are one of leading companies in global for Auto Optical Inspection systems for Display and Solar industries. Company was established in year 2005 by several PhD in USA, which have >10 years AOI experience in semiconductor industry. In order to reach companys fast growth in both China and Taiwan, we are looking for smart and hard working style partners to join our family.
從事台灣本島觀光旅遊及協助住宿等細節 是間小而美的民宿,位於台南市安平區 交通便利,採人性化管理,希望能讓所有員工都能自在的發揮熱誠及專長 並拓展自己的無限潛能
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